Fairmont Hotel, Doha

Fairmont Hotel, Doha

In 2022, I created a series of paintings for Artlink Projects in the UK, and I finally have some photos of the completed works in situ. The main commission, Luminous Sands is one of the largest commissions I have worked on, and I am very happy with the results.

The original brief for Luminous Sands was for a triptych of 3 panels each with the dimensions of 112cm W x 192cm H. The artwork was to be framed in gold and featured in the ballroom of the Fairmont Hotel in Doha. Although it wasn’t explicitly stated, it seemed clear to me that the desert landscape of the region would be the inspiration for the work.

Something I have realised over the years is that my style of painting works really well in large statement pieces. With a large canvas before me, I feel more relaxed and comfortable than with a smaller piece. I didn’t have a preconceived idea of the form the painting would take, but instead allowed the paint to flow across the 3 canvases and for the final artwork to reveal itself.

Artlink is a wonderful client who seem to understand the importance of trusting the artist to follow the brief. They were a pleasure to work with and have presented the painting beautifully in the hotel in terms of the location and the lighting. I am looking forward to future projects.

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